6 Ways to Master the Art of Website Content Writing

The digitalised world that we are living in right now has paved the way to a number of different career opportunities, each being of its own kind. Website Content Writing has been gaining popularity over the years since the birth of Digital Marketing.
These days, websites have become the life blood for any business. How often have we googled a company’s name that you hadn’t heard of before? And if Google doesn’t show any result of its website, we quickly assume that the company either doesn’t exist and forget about it!
I hope that example was an indication enough for how important having a website is. However, it doesn’t just end there. The website needs to have quality content as well! This is where the role of a Website Content Writer comes in. They hold the power of making content that makes a person visiting the website stay on it so that they convert into a customer.
Sounds interesting, right? If you’re interested in making a living out of this career, you’ve come to the right place! I will be taking you through a quick walkthrough of how to master the art of ‘Website Content Writing’.
Without further ado, let’s get right into it!
1. Make sure you understand the business’s objective.
The first step in your journey of becoming an excellent website content writer is to make sure you properly understand the purpose of the business’s website.
The objective of the website could be many. Such as, the website could be a mere medium through which the business wants to generate leads, or its purpose could be restricted to only increasing the brand’s awareness, and so on.
It is imperative that you are clear with the objective and the role that website plays for the business as you will need to curate content according to its objectives and role.
Let's take an example of a Graphic Design company who wants their website to increase brand awareness and as well generate leads. In this case, the content on their website would be adhering to both the objectives.
2. Build the structure of the website.
For the website to be able to retain a visitor, it needs to look good and have all of its sections easily accessible.
Here, it is important to keep in mind that the website is bound to get cluttered as it grows. Your aim is to make sure that doesn’t happen.
To do this, you need to map out all the sections beforehand in order to get some clarity on how and where they will be placed on the website.
Start with the homepage first. Decide what sections it would have and divide the content accordingly.
Continuing with the graphic design agency example, let’s say that the homepage of the agency tells the visitor what they do by mentioning the services. Likewise, the website would have different sections demonstrating the work they have done, their clients, their blog, etc.
You need to also see if there is any section of the website that needs more context. For example, under the section of “Services”, the various services can be elaborated so that the visitor understands what the agency does. These can then become other pages on the websites.
3. Decide what CTA (Call-to-Action) suites best.
The CTA needs to be aligned with the objectives of the website that the business has set.
A CTA needs to be unique and compelling enough to drive the visitor towards clicking it. You need to understand that a simple “Call us” CTA would not work in this competitive field.
You need to give them a reason as to why they should contact you.
Here are some unique CTA’s of a few brands:
a) “Start your 15-day free trial today. No credit card required.” - Bigcommerce
b) “Do you want more traffic?” - Quicksprout
c) “Join free for a month” - Netflix
Essentially, you need to make sure that the CTA is benefit oriented and it satisfies the objective of the business.
4. Perform a thorough keyword research.
A keyword research is essential when you’re writing content for a website. The keywords help in increasing the Google rank of the website, thereby helping in SEO.
Before you set out to write blogs for the website, you need to do a keyword analysis.
Google Trends is a great tool for this. You can type the keyword your blog is going to be talking about and it would show tons of suggestions and their volume.
Another great way to perform this is by observing what keywords your competitors are using. For this, you can use Ubersuggest which is a free tool that will help you in finding keywords related to the business’s niche and also help you find out what keywords your competitors are using to drive traffic.
5. Ensure your page is SEO optimised.
In order to improve your SEO, or to be visible on Google, you need to work on your title tags, description tags and meta tags.
(If you are unaware of what SEO is, click here: https://www.ampdigital.co/blog/Search-Engine-Optimization)
Your title, description and meta tags need to be related to the business’s niche.
Make sure to include the keywords you found during your keyword research in these tags! Also, remember that Google gives these tags a lot of weight. Therefore, you need to pay attention to them.
6. Add a ‘Terms and Conditions’ and a ‘Privacy Policy’ page.
These pages are now legally required for every business website.
The privacy policy page informs the visitor about what information about them your business is going to use and how it is going to use that information.
For example, it would tell the visitor that the website collects information using cookies about what they are doing on it.
A privacy policy page is a must when the website is collecting someone’s personal information.
The terms and conditions page is mainly about how a visitor needs to behave on the website. It talks about the rules and regulations which must not be violated such as the use of abusive language.
Summing it up
I hope this walkthrough was beneficial for you and provided you some tips on how to become a better website content writer. Few other tips are, making sure that each page on a website has more than 3000 words, using images free of copyright and images that are related to the business and are attractive. Follow these tips and you will be able to master this art.
Besides following these tips, you need to also believe in yourself. The process of mastering this art might take time but if you are ready to invest your time into this field, you will be able to an excellent Website Content Writer.
See you in the next blog!